
Our Love Story

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One of the most common questions we answer most is 'how did the two of you meet?' 'How did it happen?' and I have to say, it's quite a good story to tell!

How We Met

K and I actually met online in April 2012. I know... online, what was I thinking? But on the country, there are some really interesting and friendly people that you can meet online, and possibly, your soul mate and partner in crime! I won't deny that there are some strange people in the virtual world, but it's just a matter of 'fishing' the right ones out and staying clear of the bad ones!

We decided to meet up a few weeks after we had started chatting online in Melbourne as there was more activities to do, and I needed to do a bit of shopping for my upcoming overseas trip that May.

The first time I saw K - and I remember it like it was yesterday, he had on (my now favourite) blue and white checkered shirt, and jeans - and he was carrying a small stuffed panda bear he had bought in China from a recent work overseas trip when we had first started talking. He looked so amazing gorgeous with his dark eyes and black hair (not to mention he smelt divine!) and he had this cute Chinese accent - which is something I LOVE about him.

We went for lunch at Blue Train, in South Bank, and both had the pizza. I can't remember what we spoke about, but I could barely eat, let only look at him, because I thought he was the most ridiculously gorgeous man I'd ever seen in my life, and my shyness only added to the problem! So apart from being; really quiet and shy, not able to make eye contact, and blushing constantly, I really thought he thought I was a bit weird. I was absolutely convinced when I left on the train, that I had completely and 100% screwed the date up.

Oh how I was wrong!

The next weekend we decided to give it another go, this time K drove to my hometown, and we spent the afternoon, and evening together by seeing 'The Lucky Ones' at the cinema, then going to 'House Of Khong' for dinner. (Which by the way, House Of Kong is the best Chinese food in town!)

I remember still being horribly shy and just in awe that this amazing guy was having dinner with me of all people, but he seemed genuine, and he looked at me in a way no one ever had. I guess in some way, I knew that he was something special, and that I should hold onto him for dear life!

We had a few cute moments at dinner where we had thumb wars - but being so shy, it was more or less a way to break the ice and hold hands! We went for a walk afterwards through the local botanical gardens, before he drove me home. The special part was that 1) Pete Murray's 'Beautiful' was playing in the background, and 2) we had our first kiss. Nawwwwwwww!

The weekend after, I was due to fly out to LA to begin my two week holiday of the USA. We'd discussed it before and K was going to meet me at the airport, even after me saying 'are you sure?' because my parents were going to be there, but he took it all in his stride. (Mum told me afterwards when I got home, that when she met K, and saw us together, and the way he looked at me, she knew he was the 'one' for me. Funny how mothers know these things!)

It was the longest two weeks of my life, although I enjoyed my trip and saw things I've never seen, I think I was more distracted by what was at home and couldn't wait to get on the plane! It just so happened, that that last week I was in the US, K had to go back to China for work and I wouldn't see him for another two weeks after I got home. I can tell you, apart from being a long time since we'd last seen each other, which was so tough - Skype definitely got a workout as we skyped nightly and emailed to keep in constant contact.

Pretty much after he arrived back from overseas we were inseparable, and we spent every weekend together after that. We've made a lot of memories with things we've seen or done, and I don't think I've forgotten them yet. It was early on I knew K had to go back to HK to visit his parents and it was a few months in that we were toying with the idea of me coming along. I think it was set in stone after I booked my tickets 2 months after we got together, and I realized I was going to meet his parents and entire family for the first time - in another country! (I need not to have worried, the trip went fine, and his parents and family are so lovely!).

K's Side Of The Story

"When we first met up, I looked at her all the time and I could not stop smiling. But she rarely looked back, smiled and not quite responsive. After I saw her off in the train station with a quick good bye, I thought she she wasn't interested after seeing me in person. 

But the strangest thing happened after. 

We kept chatting after our first date and even said that we would catch up again when I was back from China. But I could not wait for 5 weeks! So I suggested driving up to her home town and spending the day with her there, a week before she flew off. It was the best day! 

Highlight was the thumb fight, I pretty much wouldn't let her go, but then I had to pay the bill so the game had to end. We then took a walk in the park and pulled out my best move by asking her if she was cold and proceeded to wrap her in my arm and telling her that I am always warm! (Which is true and now she will find any opportunity to get a cuddle!) 

After a short walk, we went to a small cafe and have some drinks and chips. It was here that instead of a thumb fight, I held her hand gently. After that I drove her back to her place and had our first kiss in the car with “So Beautiful” as the background music, we wouldn't see each other in person again for another 5 weeks, but it didn't matter, I knew she was the one and with that thought, my two hour drive back home was the happiest drive I ever had. 

1 Year on, I could not wait anymore and I had to propose to her. I bought the ring one month in advance and had been thinking of how to propose. So I came up an idea of taking a photo of the moment. We went back to our favourite restaurant and like last time, we took a photo together after our lunch there. After a few tests shots, as the camera timer counted down, I dropped to my knee. She turned around with a confused and surprised look, I said “ Would you marry me”, she put her hands onto her face and started crying while saying, “Yes, yes!”

I am really looking forward to our life together in the future and keep adding more chapters to this love story." 

The Engagement

On our one year anniversary on the 5th May, 2013 - K proposed at our favorite restaurant in Daylesford. I had absolutely NO IDEA he was going to propose, as he is very good (better than me) at keeping big secrets! I remember after we ate a fantastically delicious meal, we went outside this beautiful restaurant which is basically a stone mansion, surrounded by a lavender farm and lake. K set the camera up on a rock on timer, and we took a few 'testers'. I was completely oblivious to the fact he had bought his camera purely for capturing the 'moment'. On the third try, I was posing with a silly smile, but I realized K wasn't standing next to me. I turned sideways to look at him, and there he was - on one knee, asking me to marry him.

I cried. I literally bawled my eyes out.

It seems quite comical to read that, but I had no words, all I had was tears. I was in so much shock that I just used my hands to motion for him to hug me. And until my tears subsided, I was a blubbering mess. I can only thank that this wasn't video recorded, because I think looking back, it not only would have been embarrassing, but very very funny!

I'm so happy to have met my best friend and the love of my life, although I had to wait a few years longer for him - I don't think there is a more perfect man for me to spend my life with.

He has this aurora about him that's just so honest. He's loving, giving, he's kind & always puts others before himself. Apart from loving me unconditionally, he is one of the most understanding & supportive human beings I have ever met. He gets me in every way possible, and I think that when couples 'get' each other - then they are perfect for each other.

We told our parents a few days later, and they couldn't have been happier. My parents are overjoyed to have K apart of the family and can't wait to see us married and having babies etc haha.

The Wedding

Since K is Chinese, and his family lives in HK - we are having two weddings. Our HK wedding is on the 15th March, 2014, whilst our Australian wedding is on the 20th September, 2014. Most of the preparations for both weddings are done, just a lot of little things to go over. I'm quite thankful we have K's parent's to help plan the HK wedding as I would have no idea what to do! But so far, it sounds like it's coming along well.

The clock is ticking down, and with the holiday season coming up - it's going to go really really quick!

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Unknown says:
at: 24 November 2013 at 21:19 said...

Such a lovely story :)

vinny_121_nd says:
at: 1 April 2014 at 21:53 said...


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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

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