
Monday 1 April 2013

Easter Long Weekend

Yes that's me walking around!

I took the early train right after work on Thursday to Melbourne to spend the weekend with K. Although it is now Monday evening, the time has gone really quickly which I'm sad to say!

We'd already planned what we were going to over the weekend, (which we usually plan our weekends together anyway to get the most out of it!) so it was going to be fairly busy. Good Friday we spent relaxing indoors, and then for dinner we made our way to K's auntie & uncles house - which although is a mix of everything Chinese, it's very very good and I enjoyed every bit of it all the same. We ended up getting home later than expected, and I was feeling a bit under the weather at that point, so K suggested a hot bath and a late night movie on the couch. I'm very glad he suggested it because I felt so much better after it! So i re-payed him with lots of kisses :)

Easter Saturday was long, we drove out to Clyde, which is about 30-40 minutes away to see some more display homes. It was very interesting as we only went there to see display houses of a certain builder who we really liked, but ended up finding another display house we liked by another builder. So we are torn between two builders. I think it will come down to which floor plan will suit us better in the future.

That evening we had a few friends come over to catch up, and to celebrate some early and belated Birthdays. We all ended up making home made pizzas using the new wave pizza oven I bought K for Christmas. Let me tell you, everyone enjoyed them and asked where they could purchase the machine! I felt very proud of my first purchase of a decent appliance! Needless to say, K has a lot of left overs in his fridge to last him to at least tomorrow night! :)

Ready for cooking in the New Wave Pizza Oven!
K making pizza

Burdie our very beautiful, but frisky kitten, got so excited she had to have a nap on the mouse pad!
She slept well that night that's for sure!


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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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