
Sunday 23 June 2013

How To Make Mini Lorraine Quiches!

As promised, I finally got to make my favorite savory snack over the weekend - mini quiches. Usually I make just one big quiche lorraine, but I trialed the same recipe in mini format and it worked a treat!

To make these delicious little snacks you will need:

* 1 cup of bacon pieces
* 1 1/4 cup of shredded tasty cheese
* 2 eggs
* 1/2 cup of flour
* Milk to mix
* Punnet of romano tomatoes (sliced)
* 5 sheets of puff pastry
* Parsley
* Salt & pepper to mix
* Pre-heat oven to 200'C*

1) Lay out your sheets of pastry on a table to get them to room temperature. I find placing tea towels over them helps with this process.

2) Measure out a cup of the bacon pieces, and shredded cheese into a mixing bowl. Crack the 2 eggs, add in a few shakes of salt and pepper and stir together.

3) Add in the 1/2 cup of flour. With adding the milk, you do not want to make it too sloppy nor do you want it too stiff. Just enough milk to make it stick together like below.

4) Add enough parley so that it is visible in the mixture. This will give it a little color and flavor as well.

5) Once the mixture is made, the pastry will have had time to defrost and cool to room temperature. Take the pastry off the backing plastic and with a dusting of flour on the bench, roll the pastry out so that it isn't so thick. You want the pastry thin enough to cut but not so much that it will fall apart when you move it.

6) Use a circular object to make your pastry circle outline. I used a large glass.

7) Cut out the circles using a knife, and put aside. Repeat this for all of the pastry sheets. I found I could fit 4-5 circles to a sheet. Once cut out, use the rolling pin to flatten them out a little.

8) Make sure you grease your muffin tray first so the quiches slide out easily when cooked! You can then drop the pastry circles into your muffin tray holes. They should end up looking like this:

9) Once you have placed all your circles into the muffin tray, you can start adding the mixture. I used about 2 teaspoons of mixture in each hole. I found using too much, they don't cook as fast, and they tend to overflow like a bulbous muffin!

10) Slice your romano tomatoes up and place 2 on each quiche. Add a sprinkling of parsley over the top. They should look like this before they go into the oven.

11) Leave in a 200'C pre-heated oven for about 20 minutes. Depending on your oven, keep an eye on them and rotate the tray if some are cooking faster than others.

12) Take out of oven and they should look like this!

13) Enjoy your mini quiches!

And since I had enough time, I baked our family's recipe for sausage rolls. I loved these ever since I was a kid when mum made them for us. Now, I will be a wife soon, I will do it for my husband and children!

Happy baking! :D


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