
Monday 10 June 2013

Queen's Birthday Weekend

This weekend was a long weekend due to the Queen's Birthday. So luckily for me, no work on Monday!

K and I had a fairly busy weekend, Friday I was able to catch a ride with my parents who were heading up to Melbourne to our beach house, and dropped me off on the way at K's. It was a pretty long drive, especially since we had to make a few stops for dear Suki, our Border Collie, unfortunately, I was the one to sit in front of her, so I had the smell of fish breathing on me the entire way! Haha

All day Saturday we spent at Chadstone and Doncaster Shopping centres trying to catch an mid year bargain. We were also able to get K's suit for our Australian wedding on sale which was amazing because it looks perfect on him! I spent forever looking for the perfect outfit to wear to two weddings this year, one in Australia and the other in HK. I'm not big on dress shopping, as I find it hard to find something I really like - and something that fits my body properly. I had a particular style in mind, and finally, I was able to find what I was after - also on sale which was a big plus! I just need shoes to match and I'm done!

After a long day's shopping, we came home and I baked mini quiches to go with our work lunches this week. I must say they turned out wonderfully, and I will post a tutorial on them in an upcoming blog. After I finished baking, K and I got right into cooking an amazing roast, which smelt sooo good, I could barely wait to eat it. Roasts are something we do well together and I think it will be one of those things we will cook often in our new house.

Sunday, we had our first appointment with our celebrant, Julia, and decided straight away that she was the one for us. She's younger than I am, but she's very well versed in celebrant and she was so bubbly and sincere. A definite plus. If you're ever looking for a celebrant, do not hesitate to contact her here.

After our appointment, we walked around before heading to our next appointment which was after hours with Melanie at Boutique Homes for a personal walk through of one of their display houses that we 100% convinced we are going to build. We were really excited to see how the house looked and felt at night rather than during the day when it was filtered with light. It was so homey and relaxing I just wanted to stay there! Unfortunately, this coming weekend is the last time this particular display would be open, however they will still have the plan available on their website - which is still good for us!

I've uploaded some photos (taken during the day on a previous visit) so you can see how beautiful this home is. Hope you enjoy! <3

Open plan kitchen
Dining area
Master bedroom
Study nook


cartergrange says:
at: 17 March 2019 at 22:12 said...
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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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