
Monday 2 December 2013

Our Honeymoon Plans

K & I been trying to decide on a destination for our Honeymoon for quite some time, and although we aren't following tradition and going right after our September wedding, we'll be going the year after. There are a few reasons why, most of them are because of me being in a new job and most likely not being able to take time off, so we decided this would be a better solution.

Firstly we decided on South Korea. I've wanted to go there for a long time, and I was 100% convinced that's where I really wanted to go, however, being a woman you know what we're like! Just kidding! 

The reason I re-thought our plans was because I knew K wanted to go back to Europe. He had been there before a few years ago with his family, but missed out on a lot of things he wanted to do and see, like more of the British Museum, or more time in Rome - which he is fascinated with. We had spoken about leaving the European trip until we were old (retired and walking with canes), but I thought, 'do I really want to do that when I'm old??'

I probably spent a good day thinking about this, thinking 'can I survive the long haul plane trip? I've done 14hrs when I went to the USA (and almost went mad), it cant be too bad right? Right?'

Finally, I ended up telling K, 'lets do it'. I'd much rather travel Europe whilst we're still young, as its basically a once in a lifetime trip. We can do South Korea at anytime we go to Hong Kong as it's only 4 hours away, and perhaps, be a good destination for future family trips with the children! 

Needless to say, K didn't need much convincing!! Haha

So at the present, I am planning like a lunatic, I have spreadsheets of different routes, different destinations with every cost detailed so we know exactly what we're doing, and where we're going. 

If its one thing I've learnt from K, (apart from learning how to work a DSLR!) is how to plan. He is an absolute expert when it comes to planning, and me being such a forgetful oldie, it comes in handy.

So far, our route will consist of; Rome, Florence, Venice, Vienna, Munich, Berlin, Amsterdam, & London. I've basically lived on Viator (check it out!) to see what day trips, and tours we can do in each city. I used this website regularly last year, and bought a whole bunch of tours and attraction tickets for my trip to the US. It makes things so easy, and it's affordable as well.

Once we've fine tuned our itinerary, and have all the places we want to go, we'll take it to our travel agent and see what fabulous deal they can give us! (hopefully a good one!! Haha)

So my question is; what is the best place/attraction you've been to in Europe? I would love some travel tips, advice, tidbits and alike to help plan the best honeymoon EVERRRRR.

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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

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