
Wednesday 1 January 2014

So This Is Christmas 2013

The Christmas holidays have almost come to a end, I would like to say I did a whole bunch of cool things and went here and there - but really, this Christmas I did practically zilch. And you know what? I am totally fine with that. There were no early mornings (apart from the cat burring in our ears at 6am) no rushing around, we had no where to be that we didn't want to be. It was laziness at its worst and I can say in 100% certainty, I definitely needed to just do just that. The year has been quite a whirlwind so its was nice to give the brain some much needed recovery time!

I finished work on the 20th December so right after I headed to Melbourne to spend two glorious weeks with K. We did last minute Xmas shopping, and caught up on the newest films at the cinema (you all need to see Firestorm!), and prepared a list of groceries for our first attempt as a couple at making a roast on Christmas Day! I think we absolutely killed it, and it tasted so good, we ate the leftovers for dinner as well. Speaking of cooking - I got some awesome cook books from K's aunties family. Italian, Asian, and baking cookbooks. I can't wait to try them out!

On Christmas Eve we did our traditional going out in the evening to find the best Christmas lights in town. We went to about 7 houses, some were good others were overdone. But we got lots of good photos, and they looked so pretty!

Of course, the biggest perk of the Christmas holidays, is Boxing Day sales. We had originally planned to get up and be in the city at 6am, however we we couldn't be bothered! So we woke up reasonably early and went out for breakfast with a few friends at Pancake Parlour before braving the massive crowds that were around. We knew what we wanted to buy, so we got the important things first. One being 10% of lenses at Digi Direct, which was awesome as the lens I wanted was included in that sale. so I'm a very happy owner of a Macro 100mm! We continued shopping and bought a few kitchen items, some bakeware and a food processor. See below for our booty of the day!

The next few days we spent relaxing watching movies on the couch, cooking, or spending time with my family. We did have some time to go out to the city recently, and went to Crown Casino for dinner, took some photos and even did a little gambling on the pokie machines. We won big, meaning, we won a few more dollars than what we put in, $8.00! Haha but none the less, a good night out with my wonderful fiancĂ©. 

New Years Eve, we were invited to a dinner by a few friends at a bar called Fathers Office, it was a set menu, however we got to choose what main we wanted which was a really nice change from the usual set menus you get else where.  It was supposed to be a 1920's night, some of us dressed up, some didn't, and some got halfway there, like us. The atmosphere was loud because everyone in the bar was excited, but that was to be expected. K and I were tired from 10.30pm onwards (because we are really old now haha!) but we made it to midnight, when everyone spilled out onto the streets of Melbourne to see the fireworks. Apparently approximately 600,000 people where on the streets which was just mid boggling! Overall, it was a great night out, and we throughly enjoyed bringing in the new year!

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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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