
Saturday 27 April 2013

The Perfect Pair Of Winter Booties

So the search this year for the perfect pair of winter booties began on Friday. After work, K & I went into my home town and looked at a few pairs, but there wasn't much of a range. K suggested that we could drive back to Melbourne that night and go shopping over the weekend. It took me about 2 seconds to decide yes, and after squealing a few times with delight, we raced back to my house to pack and leave.

We did a bit of night shopping at Chadstone Shopping Centre, which being from a country town, stores close at 5pm, whereas shops in Melbourne don't close until 9pm - which is good for shopping lovers like me! After going for a bite to eat in the food court, we hurried around the shops. I did find the perfect pair of booties at Windsor Smith for $139.00, but they had run out of the size in the color I wanted. They did however mention what other flagship stores had them in stock and we may be able to go there tomorrow. After feeling a bit dejected, we went home and relaxed instead as the next day we would continue the search.

The next day we got up early and left to go to one of the other stores that had my size. I am counting my lucky stars (and High Point Shopping Centre) because as we were searching for the Windsor Smith store, I spotted my shoes in the window of another shop - and they were only $110!! So I tried them on and they fitted perfectly. I don't think I've bought a pair of shoes that fast before!

So here they are, the perfect pair of winter booties that I will get much use out of this year. And much thanks for my wonderfully wonderful boyfriend for spending the day shopping. Love you! <3

Brand: Windsor Smith     I   Model: Falls (in taupe)


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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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