
Sunday 2 June 2013

It Comes In 3's

The saying goes if things go wrong, it usually happens in three's. And this week, it most definitely did happen.

1) My car was booked in for general service, however it needed a lot of things fixed the the previous owners hadn't done, or other mechanics hadn't picked up. So that was a very expensive trip. Though I am happier knowing my car won't die on me anytime soon.

2) There is something about being sick that I really can't stand. I mean, of course you feel unwell and not really wanting to do anything, but the way I've been feeling, I've been barely been able to get out of bed!

For the last five days almost I have had suspected food poisoning, and let me tell you its not something you want to experience over two spring rolls. Yes, spring rolls. So I have been in bed for most of the time, waited in casualty at the local hospital for over 10 hours. Worse time to be waiting if you're feeling like death!

K sent me a text with this whilst I was in hospital, it made me cry because I wanted him there so much!
However, I am on end of the line of sickness and I have just started eating proper foods again, and being able to sit up and walk around a lot longer than I was able to. I'm still not sure if I'm going to be well enough for work tomorrow, but I guess tonight will tell.

3) I MISSED THE CN BLUE CONCERT. Let me just say, I have never been so devastated to not go to a concert. The night I was supposed to be at the concert, I was hooked up to a drip in casualty. I made myself not think of it, as I was too busy thinking how much I wanted K there with me, but he wasn't able to get there that night. However he did surprise me the next morning, whilst I was in bed, looking a mess, with a single rose and a hug. I'm glad he he came because he made me feel a lot better as well :) Needless to say as soon as Popasia came on, I bawled my eyes out when CN Blue came on. It was just teasing me. And I spent a good 5 minutes sobbing that I will never see them play here again - which is a good chance they probably won't. But K assured me, we'll one day organised a holiday around a concert overseas if I got tickets. He is the best husband in the worlddddd! <3

Back onto the wedding planning as soon as I'm feeling better. We have a busy few weekends coming up. We have the meeting with the celebrant this Sunday, and the Saturday after with the photographer which we were supposed to have this weekend, but I couldn't go so we canceled. I'm looking forward to getting everything planned out, I feel a bit more de-stressed. But I think that's because I've been sick and I've been forced to rest up!

Looking forward to getting back into it, and doing it better than I was before with my love <3


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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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