
Tuesday 14 January 2014

2 Months To Go!

It's hard to believe in 2 months I will be jetting off with the love of my life and my parents for our wedding in Hong Kong. There have been a few ups and downs along the way, but mostly it has been easy flying, but now that it's sooooo close, I'm feeling a lot of emotions; happy, excited, nervous, anxious...I think that's totally normal, especially because its the 'unknown' of things to come. 

As K and I live on the other side of the world, it's been long distance planning with his parents, who've taken the time to do most of the groundwork, and organised everything for us. It's kind of like planning a wedding over Skype and photos sent by email. I'm positive his parents have done an awesome job and I can't wait to just walk into my wedding banquet and see how wonderful it is!

I'll be posting more of our Hong Kong wedding updates as the weeks pass, and I still have an enormous amount of packing to do for not only myself, but helping my parents as it's their first time overseas! Exciting!

In the meantime, I hope you like this little gem. This is my wedding band we bought last year in HK, so I could wear it on my other hand as a reminder of our first wedding!

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ice pandora says:
at: 14 January 2014 at 14:45 said...

Omgosh how exciting! Congratulations dear c:
I can't wait for the wedding posts with lots of
pictures! Xx

Unknown says:
at: 14 January 2014 at 15:19 said...

Thankyou! :) oh don't worry I plan on posting lots of photos. I can't wait to show all you guys my dresses! :D

Rowena @ rolala loves says:
at: 15 January 2014 at 10:25 said...

Oh wow you two must be so excited as the big day draws near! I just read your love story and it's so sweet and romantic :)

Rowena @ rolala loves

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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

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