
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Why, Hello Again!

Wowsers! I haven't done an update for sometime, and I apologise profusely! However, the last few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind which I'll go over below. Things have quietened back down (for now) but I expect this will reoccur again once we head off to HK in a few weeks. 

So I'll start from the start shall I?

Let me just say first off, the weather here has been absolutely HORRENDOUS. Hideous. Disgusting. Any other negative words you can think of, feel free to add them in! More than a week of consecutive days over over 38 degrees. Not to mention it's bushfire season, so there has been a lot of warnings going out lately, and some have been quite close to home. I hope mother nature can spare us some cooler weather very very soon. (Even the pooches have been so tired of it, see my furry puppy Trevor napping above!)

Starting from tomorrow, we have exactly ONE MONTH before we get married. A month. And gee, I can tell it's just going to fly by. We have still so much to do, and have a lot of little bits and pieces to purchase for my parents so they'll have a comfortable flight/holiday. Not to mention what I'm going to pack!

In amongst all the organising, the lists we've written down, the itineraries we've planned down to the last day - we've also been very busy with our September wedding. So far we've bought all our stationary, and wedding decoration supplies - and so far the small mountain hasn't moved from the corner of my room due to not having the spare time at the moment, so that will be waiting for me once we get back from overseas, when I can really get stuck into creating our DIY decorations.  I'm a little bit surprised my brain just hasn't gone completely bonkers from all the wedding prep, (which I admit it has gone a bit mushy lately) but I think it's all about time, and giving yourself some breathing space so that you're not completely and utterly overwhelmed - like I was beginning to be.

I am still a little nervous about next month and how it will go, but I'm gradually coming to terms with it and I know it will turn out to be absolutely amazing. Of course, I can't wait to see Hong Kong again, and I hope to come back with a lot more photos to share with you all.

In other BIG news. I bought another wedding dress. Well, okay, not me, but my mum for me - (she totally talked me into it!)

We decided my previous dress I bought last year - although very pretty and simple, it just wasn' It did need a small amount of alteration which could have possibly either ruined the dress, OR the dress would end up to be to short. So in the end we said 'Hey, we only do this once in our lives, so the dress should be one of those memorable experiences!' But I'll write about more of that day on my Wedding Sunday post, so stay tuned :)

Another reason I haven't updated lately is more for personal reasons. I'd been waiting since last November for a letter from my hospital with a surgery date for my laproscopy. I can't tell you how many times I wrote all over my admission form and phoned them up to let them know this had to happen before March as I was getting married overseas. I guess they listened to my pleas and I had my surgery this past Monday. So very happy about that - not so happy about the recovery process!

(Please skip if TMI) I've been a long sufferer of painful, heavy periods since I was in my teens, and since there was a long family history of Endometriosis on my mums side, it made sense that I could have it. Previously to meeting K, although still bad - it wasn't high on my priorities list. I felt I had a high pain threshold, and could deal with my reproductive organs exploding in my body every month. 

However, it has progressively gotten worse with age, and since we're planning on having babies next year, now was the time to get it sorted and find out exactly what I was dealing with. It turns out I DO have endometriosis, and I'm just under the severe category. I had 3 cysts removed from my uterus and had a laser ablation. I am now the new owner of three incisions, one on my left and right side, and one in my bellybutton - which is the WORST place to have stitches, so much pulling when you move! But each day I am getting better and am able to move around a bit more. Today is the first day out of 4 that I can sit for some length of time at my computer without feeling like crap. So that's a bonus! 

I do hope I'll be a lot better on the weekend as we have our appointment with the cake maker on Saturday. We know pretty much what we're after and I'm hoping it'll look super super cute :D I'll let you all know how it goes, and try to update as regularly as I can!

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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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