
Thursday 6 March 2014

One Week Until I Get Married!

So! It's has finally come! This will be my last blog for a little while (or until I have sufficient time to update you all) before I head off to Hong Kong with my fiancé and family to get married! Gee, I can't tell you the emotions I'm feeling right now, but kind of in the middle of my heart coming out of my mouth with nervousness, and at the same time feeling so giddy because I'm SO excited!

Today was my last day at work until the end of the month when we arrive back. I tell you what, when you're wanting time to hit home time - it goes even slower, like it knows you want to get out of there!
But as celebration, last night the work girls organised a get to together just to catch up. However it turned out to be a bit of a pre-wedding hens night complete with hot pink sash, fuzzy headgear and some rather obscene accessories! Apart from having an amazing meal at one of the local waterholes, we spent most of the time chatting about the 'real' hens party that will happen in September, and oh boy, it's going to be a big night! My work colleagues have delegated themselves as the 'party planners', and will sort it all out which is great! Always good to be surprised :D

I have a very busy weekend ahead before we go, I still have yet to complete my packing, and just making sure I have absolutely everything - though I'm sure if I miss something, I can always get it in HK. this time next week, it'll be the night-before-the-wedding. It's just feels so surreal. Everything has been organised in HK, so all I have to do is turn up! 

So, here it begins!!

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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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