
Friday 13 June 2014

Sir Purrton: The New Addition

Gosh, I told a bit of a fib when I said I would update more frequently! The last few weeks have been enormously stressful, so it's been quite hard to find the time to blog.

As you know, I resigned from my job last month. The few weeks leading up to my last day were pretty tiring as I had to find a replacement for my position, and train them to hopefully get an idea if what I do. Luckily, it wasn't so bad, it at least took my mind of the 'new job nerves' which got to me later on.

Whilst all this was going on, I was frantically packing up as much as I could of my things in suitcases, ready to move to Melbourne. I got most of it done, but the night of my last day at my previous job - I was still packing. I had to be ready by the next morning as I had to pick K up from the station, and we were going to drive my car back to Melbourne. Everything went smoothly, my car held up pretty good with the amount of things I'd stuffed into it, and off we went - not without a heap of tears on the way. I have a really good relationship with my parents, which is why I've been able to stay as long as I had. Plus they have been there through the hardest parts of my life, and since then, it's been very hard to break away or even entertain the thought of leaving home. In saying that, it's taken me quite a while to settle into K's house. It just doesn't feel like 'home' yet. I'm hoping as time goes by, that feeling will go away. Although, I really think that once we actually buy our own home - it'll feel more homey, but that most likely won't be until next year.

So, after moving into K's house that weekend, getting my things all sorted, and going grocery shopping for our work lunches - I started work that Monday. Let me tell you, my nerves absolutely killed me. For two whole weeks, my stomach felt like it was about to curl up and die. I could barely eat, I slept terribly, I missed home, and I cried every night after work. Things are better now, but gee, they were a rough few weeks. 

To compensate for my rough time, K said that I could find a cat of my own. And that's where Sir Purrton comes in! We adopted him a week ago from my home town at an animal shelter, and drove him home to Melbourne. I tell you, you want to rip your hair out when a cat just meows the entire time for 2 HOURS! Argh. But, he is the cutest little thing and I just love his ginger fur. My first cat was ginger when I was a child, and I've never had one since. So it feels so odd to actually have ginger cat again. But he's the biggest snuggler, and enjoys company and lots of pats (and food!). He has the best personality and I laugh at all the funny things he does. He's only 6 months old, so still a kitten, but he is as big as our 1.5yr old cat! I wonder how big he will get when he's older? 

Purrton playing with my slipper drawstrings

Looking at me when I was holding the bag of catnip. Oh yes. He does funny things for catnip!

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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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