
Thursday 7 November 2013

Blanche & Matthews HK Wedding: Part 1

The whole purpose of our Hong Kong trip this year, was for us to not only wind down and relax a little from our jobs, but to attend K's cousin - Matthew, and his bride to be Blanche's wedding. I'd never seen a traditional Chinese wedding before, apart from what I'd seen on You Tube. The day was an early start, and a late night, so we were definitely ready for bed by the time we arrived home!
We were able to take lots of photos of the days events which I'll explain below. I've broken this up into two parts, the traditional tea ceremony, and the church ceremony & reception :)
Our day started at 7.30am, we woke up and got ready, as we had to leave at 9.45am to go to Matthews parents house in Ma On Shan for the traditional tea ceremony. It was a high rise apartment and the view was amazing. A massive window of sea views and a great view of the water park that was close by! All the girls, including the Groom's mothers sisters wore flower armbands, which we wore all night. Must say it did go well with the dress I wore later on for the reception! I had photos with my mother in laws sisters which was nice, now I have something to put in my photo album :)

LTR: With my flower wristband / My gorgeous man! / Cute pic of us!
Me & my mother in laws sisters. My MIL is on the far right :)
The Bride & Groom arrived just after 11am, and they both wore traditional costumes, which were so beautiful! After greeting everyone, the ceremony began. I would imagine with conducting the tea ceremony with most of their relatives, kneeling for the long period of time would have hurt, or either, you'd have very good leg muscles! Fortunately for me, I will only have to kneel for a short time at our wedding in March, as my knees probably wouldn't hold up that long!

The Bride and Groom arriving for the tea ceremony
Giving of gifts (red envelopes) Should also mention this is my father in law!
The Bride and Groom with the Grooms parents
I'm very lucky to have been able to witness such a great event, and it makes me a bit less worried and more happier that I know roughly how the day will go for myself and K. (Which by the way in other news, my two custom made dresses are finally finished, and OMG, I cannot believe how BEAUTIFUL they are. Our tailor did a superior job and I'm absolutely elated!)

Stay tuned for Part II of Matthew & Blanche's wedding!

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Hello! My names is Jessica, 27yo based in Australia. Here you'll find a collection of my thoughts, interests, photographs & daily life. Interested in all things beautiful in the world. Enjoy!

Got nothing to do today but smile

Got nothing to do today but smile

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